Sunday, 28 August 2011

Tart Susu / Egg Tart / Egg Custard

Egg Taart are desserts that are popular in a number of different cultures and, while all are similar, none are quite alike. Portuguese Custard Tarts, are usually cooked so that the top of the tart browns and begins to caramelize. Chinese Egg Tart, have a unique flakey pastry crust and a richly eggy center. Our Tart Susu have a unique flavour (rum) and the crust like shortbread, this taart is famous in East of Indonesia, Ambon (our home town).

Ingredients :
Flour, Sugar, Maizena, Vanilla Paste, Milk, Eggs, Rum Flavour

Diameter :
20 cm

Tray : $25/tray (20 cm)
Minimum Order : 2 trays

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